Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Try this, try that....and we'll see...

I am just trying this out so bear with me.....I have been working on setting up a store The Brand Name Clothing Outlet and it's a lot of work....we are opening next week and we'll see how things go from there. I have created a small website www.bncoutlet.com It's not fancy or extraordinary but it's a start - especially for someone that did not know anything about HTML or website design back in January this year....What kind of advertising am I going to use? Well.....we are doing the website thing (for information purposes only), we have flyers that we are leaving around town and we would be in the paper for about 1 week, starting this Saturday. We'll go from there......I still have a lot to learn and with a full time job......we'll it's kinda hard to squeeze it all in...

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