Sunday, July 23, 2006

It's Open!! My ebaY Store - check it out!!

I finally opened my ebaY Store!! If you want to see some of the items listed there already, check it out!! Here it is: BNC Outlet.

I have listed the Hwood Diet Juice Recipe twice already becuase it was sold within hours the first time I got it listed. Then, I listed the item right away and it was sold overnight. I listed the item again and I'll continue to make it don't wait - check it out....the secret ingredient for one of the recipes is told.....But I am not going to tell you what it would have to buy the recipe...hahaha.....but it's only for less than $1.00 so it's not much.

Try it out...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

ebaY Store to be opened next week

During the week of 7/17/06 I will be opening an eBay Store to sell all of the clothing that we had acquired a few months back. I will be selling those clothes, store fixtures plus other items such as e-books, conventional books, recipes and maybe some used items or things that we have around the house. Whatever we can get rid off, we'll try to sell.

I still need to make some changes to my website to make it more Business friendly. My main purpose is to build small websites for small business, small websites for people that are trying to sell their home and maybe some personal websites....

Check out my website: